Ashwgandha Root

Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb with multiple health benefits. It can reduce anxiety and stress, help fight depression, boost fertility and testosterone in men, and even boost brain function. Supplementing with ashwagandha may be an easy and effective way to improve your health and quality of life.

Arni Mool

Arani is a digestive herb which helps stimulate the digestive fire and also helps to bring down the Ama levels in body. In this way it works to detoxify the body by getting rid of all the accumulated wastes inside it. It is also good for the heart and the Liver.


Mulethi has active compounds glycyrrhizin and carbenoxolone that are known to relieve constipation, stomach discomfort, heartburn, acidity and other stomach problems. It also acts as a mild laxative, playing an effective role in stimulating bowel movements.

Punarnava Root

Punarnava is primarily used for kidney and urinary disorders. An extract from the root extract is used as a kidney and liver tonic. It improves the functioning of kidneys damaged by diabetes. Being a diuretic and mild laxative, it helps in detoxification and prevents fluid retention

Aak Root

People use the bark and root bark for medicine. Despite serious safety concerns, calotropis is used for digestive disorders including diarrhea, constipation and stomach ulcers; for painful conditions including toothache, cramps, and joint pain; and for parasitic infections including elephantiasis and worms.

Indrayan Root

In Fruit is bitter, emetic, cathartic, diuretic, expectorant and alterative. Used in chronic constipation, dropsy, fever, piles, asthma, jaundice and as hair tonic.

Nagarmotha Root

Nagarmotha oil, prepared from Nagarmotha roots has multiple health benefits. It helps to manage conditions like indigestion, loss of appetite and diarrhea due to its Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestion) and Grahi (absorbent) propertiesNagarmotha helps to lighten the skin tone by preventing the formation of the skin pigment known as melanin. - Ayurvedic doctors make use of preparations of nut grass to treat numerous skin conditions like itching, fungus infestation, rashes and herpes.

Papaya Root

Papaya has been used widely in folk medicine for many ailments: the juice for warts, corns, cancers, tumors, and thickened skin; the roots or their extracts for cancers of the uterus, syphilis, the tropical infection, hemorrhoids, and to remove mineral concretions in the urine; the unripe fruit as a mild laxative

Kapas Root

While Gossypium herbaceum was grown to produce cotton fiber, other parts of the plant served as medical remedies and food products. Cotton root bark was used as a folk remedy for numerous female conditions ranging from nonmenstrual bleeding from the uterus to inducing labor contractions.

Arand Mool

The jadi Arand mool is used to nullify the negative effects of the planet and at the same time increase the positive effects. Arand Mool also helps to cure the diseases caused by ill effect of Venus, they being Asthma, bronchial disorder, cough, fever, delirium so name a few.


Cyperus rotundus L. (Cyperaceae) is a medicinal herb traditionally used to treat various clinical conditions at home such as diarrhea, diabetes, pyresis, inflammation, malaria, and stomach and bowel disorders

Satavar Root

According to practitioners of ayurveda, shatavari possesses cooling, calming properties that can help to soothe and balance vata and pitta (two of the three doshas). Often used to enhance reproductive and digestive health, shatavari is also said to have rejuvenating and nourishing effects

Ghokharu Root

It was used in Ayurvedic system of medicine to treat asthma, cough, edema and kidney problems and to help reduce the pain while passing urine. Researchers have found this herb to possess hypotensive, aphrodisiac, anti-microbial, anti-cancer and diuretic properties

Safedmusli Root

Safed musli is a rare herb from India. It is used in traditional systems of medicine including Ayurveda, Unani, and homeopathy. It is traditionally used for arthritis, cancer, diabetes, boosting vitality, improving sexual performance, and for many other uses