Ashwgandha Nagori

Asgand Nagori (Withania somnifera) Ashwagandha is a pantropic native medicinal plant growing all over north-western and central India. Its roots are Used as an ingredient in a large number of ayurvedic medicines. It has adaptogenic, immune-modulator, aphrodisinc, anti-stress and mildly sedative properties.


Jwasa or camel thorn is popularly used in Ayurveda as an antibacterial drug, antibilious, antiemetic, antiseptic, aperient and aphrodisiac. It is widely used in the treatment of rheumatism and piles.
• Having gastro protective, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, antidiarrheal and antiseptic properties
• Used as a medicinal herb


Eclipta prostrata commonly known as false daisy, yerba de tago, Karisalankanni, and bhringraj, is a species of plant in the sunflower family. It is widespread across much of the world. This plant has cylindrical, grayish roots. The solitary flower heads are 6–8 mm in diameter, with white florets.
Bhringraj is a traditional Ayurvedic hair tonic. Meaning 'King of Hair' in Sanskrit, this herb has a long reputation as a hair tonic for dark hair. It is also known as 'false daisy' as its flowers are classic, dainty, and daisy-shaped.


Brahmi is a small succulent herb with numerous branches, rooting at the nodes, found at elevations from sea level to altitudes of 4400 feet. It grows naturally in wet soil, shallow water and marshes. It has small flowers that are light purple or white in color with not more than four or five petals

Sarpunkha Panchang

Sharapunkha herb is used in Ayurveda specifically for treating diseases of the liver and spleen. Its oral intake improves the function of the liver. It is used in the treatment of the liver diseases like hepatitis, cirrhosis from ancient time. This herb promotes regeneration of the liver tissues. It removes obstruction of the kidney.
Sharapunkha is also used in the treatment of many other diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, fever, jaundice, ascites, dropsy,
Part(s) used for medicinal purpose: entire plant;decoction of whole plant, root powder and root juice, leaf juice, leaf powder.

Punarnava Panchang

Punarnava Himalaya Herb is used to treat jaundice, general fever and obesity. It is also used as anti-inflammatory and diuretic agent. It is used as a heart tonic and kidney tonic. The juice of Punarnava root is useful for the people having night blindness. Externally Punarnava is used to reduce the pain and swelling. It helps to remove mucous from bronchial tubes hence it is effective against asthma. The roots of the plants are useful to kill intestinal worms. One of the best natural herbal cure for respiratory diseases. Recent studies have shown its effectiveness in fever like malaria, jaundice and constipation complaints. Due to its high diuretic properties it is very beneficial in the swelling recovery.

Chhoti Katahri Panchang

Badi Katahri Panchang

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Durva (Dub Ghas)

Dube or Durva ( botanical name : Cynodon dactylon) is a grass that traverses the ground. It is used in Hindu rites and rituals. In Marwadi language it is called Dhro. There is hardly anyone who does not know the coach. Yes, it is a different matter that in different regions and languages ​​it is known by different names. Dub in Hindi , Dubda, Durva in Sanskrit , Sahastravirya, Anant, Bhargavi, Shataparva, Shatavalli, Padhari Durva in Marathi , Kali Durva, Dholadhro in Gujarati , Neeladhro, Cochgrass in English,
According to its medicinal properties, Dube is a medicine that defeats Tridosha, which eliminates all the disorders of Vata Kapha Pitta and eliminates Vata Kapha and Pitta. If you practice regular compounding of the activity of cranial reflux with intake , it helps control the inner disorientation of the body, it can cause sedation, bleeding, fainting, diarrhea, haemorrhoids, blood bile, leucorrhoea, miscarriage, abortion, sexual diseases. , Is particularly beneficial in urine.

Tulsi Panchang

Tulsi Panchang is a natural immune booster that keeps the body alert of day-to-day infections. Tulsi Panchang is effective in all kind of flu, cold, fever & skin disorders. Tulsi Panchang Building up Immunity & Staminal.

Chamkas (karund)

Chamkas, also known as Karund, thrives in the rocky terrain of Chamkas. Its golden sheen and serrated edges signify endurance and adaptability, embodying the spirit of resilience in harsh environments.


Shankhpushpi Benefits, Uses, Dosage, Botanical Description. Shankhpushpi is a very popular Ayurvedic herb that is primarily used as a brain tonic. It is called shankhpushpi since shankh means conch and pushpi means flowers and it literally translates to flowers that resemble the shape of a conch shell.

Vasa Adusa

Vasa or Adhatoda vasica possesses a wide spectrum of medicinal properties including positive effects on inflammatory diseases. The leaves, flowers, fruit and roots are extensively used for treating ailements such as common cold cough, whooping cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma.

Apamarga Panchang

Apamarga – Achyranthes aspera is one of the powerful Ayurvedic herb. It is used to prepare a special medicine called Kshara, used extensively in surgical procedures to treat fistula, and as oral medicine for obesity, tumors etc. Afrikaans – Grootklits, Langklitskafblom.


Smooth Tricholepis is a small annual herb, growing up to 50-100 cm tall, with ribbed and angled branches. Alternately arranged stalkless leaves, 3-6 cm long, are linear-opblong, sharp tipped, spiny toothed. Pink flower-heads occur singly on stalks at the end of branches. The bracts on the green portion of the flower-head, are pointed, needle-like, recurved. Flowering: November-December.

Atibla Panchang

Hindi Name : Kanghi
Sanskrit Name : Atibala
English Name : Country Mallow
Latin Name : Abutilon indicum Pennel
Country mallow is a perennial herb. Stems, stout, branched, 1-2 m tall, pubescent. Leaves, cordate, dentate. Flowers, yellow in color, peduncle jointed above the middle. Fruits, capsule, densely pubescent, with conspicuous and horizontally spreading beaks. Propagated by seeds.
Distribution: Commonly found in upland fields, wastelands and roadside


Dronapushpi (Leucas cephalotes) is an annual, branched, erect stout plant which grows with a height of about15-60 cm. Leaves are narrow, ovate, and Yellowish-green in color and about 3-9cm long, 1-2.5cm wide, having, pungent taste; Roots are smooth, cylindrical, zigzag, along with various wiry, fine rootlets with variable size, fracture, fibrous and taste is Stem is quadrangular with rough, hairy surface and having Light greenish-yellow color whose taste is slightly bitter. Flowers are white, small sessile, in dense axillary whorls. Fruits: Schizocarpic carcerule, nutlets 3mm smooth, brown.

Bhui amla

This is a tropical weed and can survive during high rainfall.Bhui amla is an annual herb, 20-60 cm height. It is found in Central and Southern India extending to Ceylon
• The main alkaloids are in the form of lignins, like Phyllanthin and Hypophyllanthin.
• In many parts of the world it is used as a folk medicine to treat liver disorders particularly due to Hepatitis-B and Jaundice, intestinal infection, diabetes etc.
• In traditional system of medicine, it is one of the essential ingredients of many formulations used in the recovery of bronchitis, leprosy, asthma and hiccough.
• In Unani system the fruit in useful for wounds, scabies and ring worm.
• An infusion of root is a good tonic.

Bla khareti Panchang

The Bla Khareti Panchang, originating from ancient traditions, offers celestial guidance for auspicious occasions and celestial events. It serves as a sacred calendar, guiding rituals, festivals, and agricultural activities in harmony with cosmic rhythms.

Ashwgandha Panchang

Botanical Name: Withania somnifera
Common Name: Ashwagandha
Part Used: Whole plant / Panchang
Action / Uses: Used in skin cleansing formulations Type of Extract: Botanical Extract Powder.

Dhawasa Panchang

The Dhawasa Panchang, steeped in cultural heritage, intricately tracks lunar phases, planetary movements, and auspicious timings. It serves as a spiritual compass, guiding ceremonies, festivals, and personal endeavors with divine alignment and celestial wisdom for holistic living.


Vajradanti Plant is used in mouthwashes, creams and pastes. It is also used in treating oral disorders like gingivitis, dental caries.
• Have unique properties of keeping teeth in good health
• Prescribed by practitioners of herbal medicine for problems like fever, respiratory diseases
• Recommended for the removal of worms from the digestive system

Gokharu Chota (Panchang)

Bunions Jhaigofailii (Zygophylleae) is a spurs vegetable called Tribuls Terestris (Tribulus terrestris) under the total, which is often found everywhere in sandy or rocky ground in India. It is also called Chota Gokharu or Gudkhul (Hindi) and Gokshur (Sanskrit). Its joint letter has 5-7 pairs of gram-like leaflets, the leaflets have a single yellow flower and prickly cheek fruit.
Kidney problem, Kidney stone, Recurrent stone formationPrepare decoction of Gokhru fruit or panchang (all parts of Gokhru herb) in water and drink twice a day.
Increased Serum Creatinine, Blood urea, Uric acid in bodyTake gokhru, Sonth(Dry ginger), methi (Fenugrrek seeds) and ashwagandha in equal quantities. Grind to make powder. Take this powder twice a day. This decreases Uric acid and gives relief in swelling.


Cholai comes in two varieties, green stemmed leaf and red stemmed. The red stemmed variety is more sour than the green stemmed variety. A few years back, the seeds (rajgira) of the plant had gained much popularity for their health benefiting properties because of which they were caped under the superfood segment.

Akash bel/ Amar bel

Amar bel (meaning, immortal vine) is an unusual parasitic vine related to the Morning glory family. It grows in a prolific manner over host plants ( or other support ) with inter-twined stems, giving it a common name of Devils Hair. The plant is leafless and rootless.
They are parasitic plants and are often found in orange, yellow and red colours. Particularly the giant dodder or the Amar Bel has several medicinal properties. Belonging to the 'Morning Glory' family, the plant has intertwined stems and is therefore also referred to as 'Devil's Hair'.


Kasa consists of dried root stock with attached stem portion of Saccharum spontaneum Linn. (Fam. Poacem), a perennial grass with slender culms, found throughout the country in warmer parts ascending upto 1,800 m in the Himalayas.

Lajwanti Panchang

TheMimosa pudica(lajwanti) is a creeping annual or perennial herb of the pea family fabaceae. The Ayurveda texts describe lajwanti as tikta (bitter) and kashaya rasa (astringent) in taste and by nature it is considered sheetha (cold). Its use balances kapha, and pitta
Mainly it is used in medicine making and It is very useful in diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, bleeding piles and urinary infections. Decoction of root is used with water to gargle to reduce toothache. Also used in Gynaec Disorders. It stops bleeding and fastens the wound healing process.It is also used in bronchitis, general weakness, impotency and cure skin diseases